Chapter 26
In chapter 26, the novel shows some sort of a chase scene: “good guys” chasing the evil. After Van Helsing hypnotizes Mina, she says where Dracula could be. Then, “good guys” spreads out; Mina and Van Helsing take a train; Holmwood and Harker hire a steamboat; and Seward and Morris travel across the countryside on horseback. Meaning, Mina’s brain proves vital to the group once more and makes the journey possible to continue. In this situation, the gender stereotype has changed after Mina helps men on the chasing Dracula. I think this shows the “new women” and implies how the author wants women’s role to be changed in the Victorian era.
Gender makes itself a theme to be noticed once again early on, when Mina goes to get the men tea for their meeting. The response from the men in the group is, of course, to say yes to the offer in order to please her. To them, this is as involved as they would like her in the present affairs, and getting drinks is like a token task for them to hand her.
Moreover, during a trance, Van Helsing “commands” and answer frustratedly concerning information in Dracula as Mrs. Harker describes what she can see and hear. They bounce quickly between considering her vital or important but also a delicate woman, and treating her like a tool, or a means to an end.
Dracula again plays on knowing the superstitions of the culture where he is, since when he leaves Skinsky’s body mutilated, only for a woman to see the body and exclaim “This is the work of a Slovak!”. Dracula knows his prey is full of skeptics about his true nature, but they’re very prone to other basic flaws.
In laying out the plan for tracking Dracula down, Mina again displays her intelligence by laying out what will happen in a very clear and concise manner, speaking of the fact that they are sure he is traveling by water, but that despite this they must cover all routes back to the castle so as to ensure they are right.
This is a road chapter. It’s centered on travel, and it moves a bit slower than some of the others. Most of the writing in this chapter details closely the men’s attempts to keep up with the Czarina Catherine in its trip, from town to town. it ends on the precipice of the climax, with the final battle imminent.
The power that Dracula has over Mina, as well as her reciprocated advantages from drinking his blood, come into play in a big way in Chapter 26.
In addition, the theme here is to track down Dracula as he makes his way home.
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